Encouraged by the openness of Poetic Conversations, I read “A Sense of Awe” as a guided meditation. At the end of the session, questions about phrases, words, concepts arose. So I held a second session to study the text, kindred spirits engaged in spirited conversation.
This experience emboldened me to offer two pathways for sharing my books. The first session a guided meditation centered around feeling the words, a spiritual experience. The second session a discussion directed toward understanding the…..
I hear myself say, “so let’s move.”
the words more a statement than a suggestion, knowing this is right
caught unawares in awareness, ripples from a sea change, a rite of passage
imperceptible, irresistible, possibility, clarity,
I see an artist studio born out of a garage where I can write
surprising and unsurprising, listen in wonder,
I learn there will be a yoga studio…..
I am now hosting small group discussions through poetic conversations. A forum across a wide spectrum: personal, societal, spiritual, political. Beginning with introductions and some backdrop about my creative process, I then read a couple of poems within a topic, pausing to facilitate discussion. Honest and polite – nonjudgmental, belief and disbelief welcome, exchanging, engaging. Creating a safe space, setting egos aside. Tell us what you hear, tell us how you feel. Bring a sense of humor. Lighten and enlighten.
Countering intuition, I set out for my early morning walk, tired, ego pushing me forward, memories of the past weighing as heavy as the early morning mist, my mind clouded, distracted
trees listing, the sidewalk jagged and slick
a family of deer ahead distressed, a stag willing me to turn back
daring, flaring, glaring, staring
leery, eerie
bewitching, bewildering
losing my balance
I believe that everything comes from Nothing
consciousness, awareness imagination, intuition infinity, sanctity
I believe that creation exists all around us
energy, chemistry, symmetry, mystery mathematics, physics, evidence, experience, existence, intelligence, reverence
as above, so below as below, so above
I believe we have a soul
sincerity, integrity, fidelity, humility, morality transience, conscience reason, passion
I believe we…..
i have a glimpse of retirement, casual dress, connected by technology
i work and write at my desk, a view of the mountains, a changing room
i vacation by the lake, stretching on a yoga mat, jaw slackening
i close my eyes, the blueness of the sky endures, floaters swimming past
i am interrupted, flies biting, voices echoing disappointments
i open my eyes, inhaling the sky above, clouds aloft, weeping willows
haunting fear, taunting jeer
mobs, sobs, no jobs, conflict, convict, hero, desperado, decisive blow, weeping widow
freeze, seize
arrest, protest
illegal raid, backs flayed, nerves frayed, deals made, bail payed, plans laid, militant parade, police blockade, horses brayed, tear gas sprayed, fairness a charade
into the wild, she was only a child
name trashing, tongue lashing, eyes flashing, teeth gnashing, legs dashing, arms thrashing, head bashing,…..
viral, racial
media barrage, fairness a mirage
suspicious, treacherous, insidious, perfidious
rumor, murmur, mutter, flutter, rolling thunder
intermingle, intersperse, interlock, interrupt, intermix, interracial
reverberate, permeate, insinuate, undulate, fluctuate, propagate
animate, agitate, separate, segregate, discriminate, vindicate
resonate, reverberate, dedicate, dissipate
washing hands, masking responsibility
bending the curve
publicize, advertise
stumble, tumble, grumble, rumble
he read,…..
R0 is the expected number of cases generated from a single case, subject to environmental circumstances and the behavior of a susceptible population.
Virus exists at the edge of life, on the threshold of being and non-being, of unclear origin, molecules of genetic material hostage to the environment, microbiological warrior, infectious, contagious, pathogen armed with antigen, needing a carrier to evolve.
incidental contact, accidental host, replication, mutation, disease airborne, a pandemic is born
antibody, antidote, anti…..
awash, adrift, amiss, aback, abrupt, amok, amorphous numinous, incongruous, ambiguous, delirious, mysterious
amid, among, along, apart, aside, astride, aground, around, abysmal liminal, subliminal, equivocal, circumstantial, actual
afraid, afflict, affront, assail, allege, amass, alarm disarm, discord, disregard, disbelief, disparity, disillusioned
adapt, adjust, approach, allow, appeal, aversion, allusion confusion, intrusion, tension, seclusion, illusion
assess, amuse, amaze, another,…..