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My life’s purpose has been shaped by a mystical experience I had as a seven-year-old boy.  Haunted for years, I was continually drawn into Nothingness by the need for understanding.  Both anchored and repelled, there was always a sense of certitude in an ultimate reality.

So there have been two sides to my life.  Outwardly, I assumed the appearance of normalcy, a responsible family man achieving a certain level of success in the business world.  Inwardly, always searching, analyzing, writing, looking for new ways to describe my experience.

Alan Krasner was an IT consultant for 22 years before retiring in 2007 and transitioning to a second career as a financial advisor.  He has been active as a volunteer, donor and board member for various non-profit organizations.  Alan has an MBA from Cornell University, a BA from Bucknell University and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon. He is married, has two adult children and lives in Troy, PA.


In A Vacuum


Facing the immutable

Nowhere to go, immovable

Trapped inside a vacuum

There is no I, only doom.


Needing something, where is hope?

Awash at sea without a rope

Now I fear, nowhere to turn

No thought, no soul, I cannot yearn

My mind’s eye shattered

Nothing mattered.


And then since I sought

Wondered why, answered naught

A sense of awe leaves a trace

Awakening silence, full of grace

Awareness emerging

The terror submerging.


My mind’s eye shattered
A sense of awe leaves a trace
The terror submerged.